Features * Compatible with an Embedded ARM(R) Processor * Three 16-bit Timer/Counter Channels * A Wide Range of Functions Including: * * * * * - Frequency Measurement - Event Counting - Interval Measurement - Pulse Generation - Delay Timing - Pulse Width Modulation - Up/down Capabilities Each Channel Contains Three External Clock Inputs, Five Internal Clock Inputs and Two Multi-purpose Input/Output Signals, All User-configurable Internal Interrupt Signal Two Global Registers That Act on All Three TC1 Channels Fully Scan Testable Up to 99% Fault Coverage Can be Directly Connected to the Atmel Implementation of the AMBATM Peripheral Bus (APB) Description The Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) includes three identical 16-bit timer/counter channels. Each channel can be independently programmed to perform a wide range of functions including frequency measurement, event counting, interval measurement, pulse generation, delay timing and pulse width modulation. 32-bit Embedded ASIC Core Peripheral Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) Each channel has three external clock inputs, five internal clock inputs and two multipurpose input/output signals which can be configured by the user. Each channel drives an internal interrupt signal which can be programmed to generate processor interrupts. The Timer/Counter 1 block has two global registers which act upon all three TC1 channels. The Block Control Register allows the three channels to be started simultaneously with the same instruction. The Block Mode Register defines the external clock inputs for each channel, allowing them to be chained. The TC1 can be used with any 32-bit microcontroller core if the timing diagram shown on page 6 is respected. When using an ARM7TDMITM as the core, the Atmel Bridge must be used to provide the correct bus interface to the peripheral. Scan Test Configuration The fault coverage is maximum if all non-scan inputs can be controlled and all nonscan outputs can be observed. In order to achieve this, the ATPG vectors must be generated on the entire circuit (top-level) which includes the Timer/Counter 1 or all TC1 I/Os must have a top level access and ATPG vectors must be applied to these pins. Rev. 1753B-CASIC-02/02 1 Figure 1. Timer/Counter 1 Pin Configuration NRESET_R NRESET_F CLOCK_CH0 CLOCK_CH1 CLOCK_CH2 SLCLK_EQ_SYSCLK P_A[13:0] P_D_IN[31:0] P_WRITE P_D_OUT[31:0] P_STB Functional TIMER_INT0 P_STB_RISING TIMER_INT1 P_SEL_TIMER TIMER_INT2 TIMER_DIV1_CLOCK TIMER_DIV2_CLOCK Timer/ Counter 1 TIMER_EXT_OUT_A0 TIMER_EXT_OUT_B0 TIMER_DIV3_CLOCK TIMER_EXT_OUT_A1 TIMER_DIV4_CLOCK TIMER_EXT_OUT_B1 TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK TIMER_EXT_OUT_A2 TIMER_CLK0 TIMER_EXT_OUT_B2 TIMER_CLK1 NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_A0 TIMER_CLK2 NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_B0 TIMER_EXT_IN_A0 NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_A1 TIMER_EXT_IN_B0 NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_B1 TIMER_EXT_IN_A1 NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_A2 TIMER_EXT_IN_B1 NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_B2 Functional TIMER_EXT_IN_A2 TIMER_EXT_IN_B2 SCAN_TEST_MODE Test Scan TEST_SE TEST_SO[5:1] Test Scan TEST_SI[5:1] 2 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) Table 1. Timer/Counter 1 Pin Description Name Function Type Active Level Comments Functional NRESET_R Reset system Input Low Resets all the counters and signals on rising edge of master clock NRESET_F Reset system Input Low Resets all the counters and signals on falling edge of master clock CLOCK_CH0 Channel clock Input - Master clock of channel 0 CLOCK_CH1 Channel clock Input - Master clock of channel 1 CLOCK_CH2 Channel clock Input - Master clock of channel 2 SLCLK_EQ_SYSCLK ARM Core operation Input - P_A[13:0] Address bus Input - The address takes into account the 2 LSBs [1:0], but the macrocell does not take these bits into account (left unconnected). P_D_IN[31:0] Input data bus Input - From host (bridge) P_D_OUT[31:0] Output data bus Output - To host (bridge) P_WRITE Write enable Input High From host (bridge) P_STB Peripheral strobe Input High From host (bridge) P_STB_RISING User interface clock signal Input P_SEL_TIMER Selection of the block Input High From host (bridge) TIMER_INT0 Interrupt 0 Output High Programmable from alarm and/or event TIMER_INT1 Interrupt 1 Output High Programmable from alarm and/or event TIMER_INT2 Interrupt 2 Output High Programmable from alarm and/or event TIMER_DIV1_CLOCK Clock enable Input System clock (CLOCK_CHx) divided TIMER_DIV2_CLOCK Clock enable Input System clock (CLOCK_CHx) divided TIMER_DIV3_CLOCK Clock enable Input System clock (CLOCK_CHx) divided TIMER_DIV4_CLOCK Clock enable Input System clock (CLOCK_CHx) divided TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK Clock enable Input System clock (CLOCK_CHx) divided TIMER_CLK0 External master clock Input User-defined external clock, comes from pad TIMER_CLK1 External master clock Input User-defined external clock, comes from pad TIMER_CLK2 External master clock Input User-defined external clock, comes from pad TIMER_EXT_IN_A0, TIMER_EXT_IN_A1, TIMER_EXT_IN_A2 External input A Input TIMER_EXT_IN_B0, TIMER_EXT_IN_B1, TIMER_EXT_IN_B2 External input B Input From host (bridge). Clock for all DFFs controlling the configuration registers. User-defined external input for receiving waveforms. Can be connected to a bidir pad. User-defined external input for receiving waveforms. Can be connected to a bidir pad. 3 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Table 1. Timer/Counter 1 Pin Description (Continued) Type Active Level Name Function TIMER_EXT_OUT_A0, TIMER_EXT_OUT_A1, TIMER_EXT_OUT_A2 External output A Output TIMER_EXT_OUT_B0, TIMER_EXT_OUT_B1, TIMER_EXT_OUT_B2 External output B Output NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_A0, NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_A1, NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_A2 Output enable A Output Low NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_B0, NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_B1, NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_B2 Output enable B Output Low Comments User-defined external output for transmitting waveforms. Can be connected to a bidir pad. User-defined external output for transmitting waveforms. Can be connected to a bidir pad. Can be connected to a BIDIR enable pin to define the direction. Can be connected to a BIDIR enable pin to define the direction. Test Scan SCAN_TEST_MODE Clock selection for test purposes Input High TEST_SE Scan test enable Input High/low TEST_SI[5:1] Scan test input Input High Entry of scan chain TEST_SO[5:1] Scan test output Output - Ouput of scan chain 4 All sequential cells are driven with the same clock phase (CLK32768) Scan shift /scan capture Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) Figure 2. Connecting the Timer/Counter 1 to an ARM(R)-based Microcontroller NRESET_R NRESET_F TIMER_INT2 CLOCK_CH0 TIMER_INT1 TIMER_INT0 To Advanced Interrupt Controller (AIC) NRESET_R CLOCK_CH1 CLOCK_CH2 Power Management/ Clock Generator TIMER_DIV1_CLOCK TIMER_DIV2_CLOCK Timer/Counter 1 TIMER_DIV3_CLOCK Pad or PIO TIMER_DIV4_CLOCK TIMER_EXT_IN_A0 - 2, TIMER_EXT_IN_B0 - 2 TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK TIMER_EXT_OUT_A0 - 2, TIMER_EXT_OUT_B0 - 2 TIMER_CLK0 NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_A0 - 2 NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_B0 - 2 TIMER_CLK1 Atmel Bridge P_D_TOBR / P_D_OUT[31:0](2) P_SEL_TIMER P_STB P_STB_RISING Atmel Bus Interface P_A[13:0] TIMER_CLK2 P_D_FRBR / P_D_IN[31:0](1) Pad or PIO P_WRITE TCLK0 - 2 TIOA0 - 2 TIOB0 - 2 32-bit Core (ARM) ASB 5 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Figure 3. Timer/Counter 1 Timing Diagram CLOCK_CH0 - 2 tPD_OUT, tPD_INT, TIMER_EXT_OUT_A0 - 2, TIMER_INT0 - 2 tPD_NTIMER NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_A0 - 2, NTIMER_OUT_ENABLE_B0 - 2 tSU_DIV, tSU_IN tHOLD_DIV, tHOLD_IN TIMER_DIVX_CLOCK TIMER_EXT_IN_A0 - 2, TIMER_EXT_IN_B0 - 2 P_STB P_STB_RISING tSU_A tHOLD_A tSU_DIN tHOLD_DIN P_A[13:0] P_D_IN[31:0] tSU_WRITE tHOLD_WRITE P_WRITE tPD1 P_D_OUT[31:0] 6 tPD2 Valid Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) Figure 4. Timer/Counter 1 Block Diagram Parallel I/O Controller (1) DIV1 TCLK0 DIV2(1) TIOA1 TIOA2 DIV3(1) XC1 TCLK1 DIV4(1) XC0 Timer/Counter 1 Channel 0 TIOA TIOA0 TIOB0 TIOA0 TIOB XC2 TCLK2 TC0XC0S DIV5(1) TIOB0 SYNC TCLK0 TCLK1 TCLK2 INT0 TCLK0 XC0 TCLK1 TIOA0 XC1 Timer/Counter 1 Channel 1 TIOA TIOA1 TIOB1 TIOA1 TIOB TIOA2 TCLK2 XC2 TC1XC1S TCLK0 XC0 TCLK1 XC1 TIOB1 SYNC Timer/Counter 1 Channel 2 INT1 TIOA TIOA2 TIOB2 TIOA2 TIOB TCLK2 XC2 TIOA0 TIOA1 TC2XC2S TIOB2 SYNC INT2 Timer Counter Block Advanced Interrupt Controller Notes: 1. DIVx = TIMER_DIVx_CLOCK where x = 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 2. TIOA = TIMER_EXT_IN_Ax, TIMER_EXT_OUT_Ax TIOB = TIMER_EXT_IN_Bx, TIMER_EXT_OUT_Bx 3. TCLK0 - 2 = TIMER_CLK0 - 2 7 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Signal Name Description Block/Channel Signal Name XC0, XC1, XC2 Channel Signal Capture Mode: General-purpose Input Waveform Mode: General-purpose Output TIOB Capture Mode: General-purpose Input Waveform Mode: General-purpose Input/output SYNC TCLK0, TCLK1, TCLK2 8 External Clock Inputs TIOA INT Block Signal Description Interrupt Signal Output Synchronization Input Signal External Clock Inputs TIOA0 TIOA Signal for Channel 0 TIOB0 TIOB Signal for Channel 0 TIOA1 TIOA Signal for Channel 1 TIOB1 TIOB Signal for Channel 1 TIOA2 TIOA Signal for Channel 2 TIOB2 TIOB Signal for Channel 2 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) Timer/Counter 1 Description The three channels of the Timer/Counter 1 are independent and identical in operation. The registers for channel programming are listed in Table 3 on page 22. Counter Each channel is organized around a 16-bit counter. The value of the counter is incremented at each positive edge of the selected clock. When the counter has reached the value 0xFFFF and passes to 0x0000, an overflow occurs and the bit COVFS in TC1_SR (Status Register) is set. The current value of the counter is accessible in real time by reading the Counter Value Register, TC1_CV. The counter can be reset by a trigger. In this case, the counter value passes to 0x0000 on the next valid edge of the selected clock. Clock Selection At block level, input clock signals of each channel can either be connected to the external inputs TCLK0, TCLK1 or TCLK2, or be connected to the configurable I/O signals TIOA0, TIOA1 or TIOA2 for chaining by programming the TC1_BMR (Block Mode). See Figure 5. Each channel can independently select an internal or external clock source for its counter: * Internal clock signals: TIMER_DIV1_CLOCK, TIMER_DIV2_CLOCK, TIMER_DIV3_CLOCK, TIMER_DIV4_CLOCK, TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK * External clock signals: XC0, XC1 or XC2 This selection is made by the TCCLKS bits in the TC1 Channel Mode Register (Capture Mode). The selected clock can be inverted with the CLKI bit in TC1_CMR (Capture Mode). This allows counting on the opposite edges of the clock. The burst function allows the clock to be validated when an external signal is high. The BURST parameter in the Mode Register defines this signal (none, XC0, XC1, XC2). Note: In all cases, if an external clock is used, the duration of each of its levels must be longer than the master clock (CLOCK_CHx) period. The external clock frequency must be at least 2.5 times lower than the master clock (CLOCK_CHx). Figure 5. Clock Selection TCCLKS TIMER_DIV1_CLOCK TIMER_DIV2_CLOCK CLKI TIMER_DIV3_CLOCK TIMER_DIV4_CLOCK TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK Selected Clock XC0 XC1 XC2 BURST 1 9 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Clock Control The clock of each counter can be controlled in two different ways: it can be enabled/disabled and started/stopped. See Figure 6. * The clock can be enabled or disabled by the user with the CLKEN and the CLKDIS commands in the Control Register. In Capture Mode it can be disabled by an RB load event if LDBDIS is set to 1 in TC1_CMR. In Waveform Mode, it can be disabled by an RC Compare event if CPCDIS is set to 1 in TC1_CMR. When disabled, the start or the stop actions have no effect: only a CLKEN command in the Control Register can re-enable the clock. When the clock is enabled, the CLKSTA bit is set in the Status Register. * The clock can also be started or stopped: a trigger (software, synchro, external or compare) always starts the clock. The clock can be stopped by an RB load event in Capture Mode (LDBSTOP = 1 in TC1_CMR) or a RC compare event in Waveform Mode (CPCSTOP = 1 in TC1_CMR). The start and the stop commands have effect only if the clock is enabled. Figure 6. Clock Control Selected Clock Trigger CLKSTA Q Q S CLKEN CLKDIS S R R Counter Clock Timer/Counter 1 Operating Modes Stop Event Disable Event Each channel can independently operate in two different modes: * Capture Mode allows measurement on signals. * Waveform Mode allows wave generation. The Timer/Counter 1 Operating Mode is programmed with the WAVE bit in the TC1 Channel Mode Register. In Capture Mode, TIOA and TIOB are configured as inputs. In Waveform Mode, TIOA is always configured to be an output and TIOB is an output if it is not selected to be the external trigger. 10 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) Trigger A trigger resets the counter and starts the counter clock. Three types of triggers are common to both modes, and a fourth external trigger is available to each mode. The following triggers are common to both modes: * Software Trigger: Each channel has a software trigger, available by setting SWTRG in TC1_CCR. * SYNC: Each channel has a synchronization signal SYNC. When asserted, this signal has the same effect as a software trigger. The SYNC signals of all channels are asserted simultaneously by writing TC1_BCR (Block Control) with SYNC set. * Compare RC Trigger: RC is implemented in each channel and can provide a trigger when the counter value matches the RC value if CPCTRG is set in TC1_CMR. The channel can also be configured to have an external trigger. In Capture Mode, the external trigger signal can be selected between TIOA and TIOB. In Waveform Mode, an external event can be programmed on one of the following signals: TIOB, XC0, XC1 or XC2. This external event can then be programmed to perform a trigger by setting ENETRG in TC1_CMR. If an external trigger is used, the duration of the pulses must be longer than the master clock (CLOCK_CHx) period in order to be detected. Whatever the trigger used, it will be taken into account at the following active edge of the selected clock. This means that the counter value can be read different from zero just after a trigger, especially when a low frequency signal is selected as the clock. 11 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Capture Operating Mode This mode is entered by clearing the WAVE parameter in TC1_CMR (Channel Mode Register). Capture Mode allows the TC1 channel to perform measurements such as pulse timing, frequency, period, duty cycle and phase on TIOA and TIOB signals which are considered as input. Figure 7 shows the configuration of the TC1 channel when programmed in Capture Mode. Capture Registers A and B (RA and RB) Registers A and B are used as capture registers. This means that they can be loaded with the counter value when a programmable event occurs on the signal TIOA. The parameter LDRA in TC1_CMR defines the TIOA edge for the loading of register A, and the parameter LDRB defines the TIOA edge for the loading of Register B. RA is loaded only if it has not been loaded since the last trigger or if RB has been loaded since the last loading of RA. RB is loaded only if RA has been loaded since the last trigger or the last loading of RB. Loading RA or RB before the read of the last value loaded sets the Overrun Error Flag (LOVRS) in TC1_SR (Status Register). In this case, the old value is overwritten. Trigger Conditions In addition to the SYNC signal, the software trigger and the RC compare trigger, an external trigger can be defined. Bit ABETRG in TC1_CMR selects input signal TIOA or TIOB as an external trigger. Parameter ETRGEDG defines the edge (rising, falling or both) detected to generate an external trigger. If ETRGEDG = 0 (none), the external trigger is disabled. Status Register The following bits in the Status Register are significant in Capture Operating Mode. * CPAS, CPBS, CPCS: RC Compare Status There has been an RC Compare match at least once since the last read of the status. * COVFS: Counter Overflow Status The counter has attempted to count past $FFFF since the last read of the status. * LOVRS: Load Overrun Status RA or RB has been loaded at least twice without any read of the corresponding register, since the last read of the status. * LDRAS: Load RA Status RA has been loaded at least once without any read, since the last read of the status. * LDRBS: Load RB Status RB has been loaded at least once without any read, since the last read of the status. * ETRGS: External Trigger Status An external trigger on TIOA or TIOB has been detected since the last read of the status. 12 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Figure 7. Capture Mode 1753B-CASIC-02/02 TCCLKS CLKSTA CLKI TIMER_DIV1_CLOCK CLKEN CLKDIS TIMER_DIV2_CLOCK TIMER_DIV3_CLOCK Q TIMER_DIV4_CLOCK TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK Q XC0 S R S R XC1 XC2 LDBSTOP LDBDIS BURST Register C Capture Register A 1 SWTRG Capture Register B Compare RC = 16-bit Counter CLK OVF RESET SYNC Trig ABETRG CPCTRG ETRGEDG MTIOB Timer/Counter 1 Channel INT CPCS to all flip-flops LOVRS LDRBS If RA is loaded COVFS CLK_CH Edge Detector LDRAS TIOA Edge Detector TC1_IMR If RA is not loaded or RB is loaded LDRB ETRGS MTIOA LDRA TC1_SR TIOB 13 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) Edge Detector Waveform Operating Mode This mode is entered by setting the WAVE parameter in TC1_CMR (Channel Mode Register). Waveform Operating Mode allows the TC1 channel to generate 1 or 2 PWM signals with the same frequency and independently programmable duty cycles, or to generate different types of one-shot or repetitive pulses. In this mode, TIOA is configured as output and TIOB is defined as output if it is not used as an external event (EEVT parameter in TC1_CMR). Figure 8 on page 15 shows the configuration of the TC1 channel when programmed in Waveform Operating Mode. Waveform Selection Depending on the parameter WAVSEL in TC1_CMR (Channel Mode Register), the behavior of TC1_CV varies. With any selection, RA, RB and RC can all be used as compare registers. RA Compare may be used to control the TIOA output, RB Compare may be used to control the TIOB output (if correctly configured) and RC Compare may be used to control TIOA and/or TIOB outputs. 14 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Figure 8. Waveform Mode 1753B-CASIC-02/02 TCCLKS CLKSTA TIMER_DIV1_CLOCK CLKEN CLKDIS ACPC CLKI TIMER_DIV3_CLOCK Q TIMER_DIV4_CLOCK S CPCDIS TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK Q XC0 R S ACPA R XC1 XC2 CPCSTOP AEEVT MTIOA Output Controller TIMER_DIV2_CLOCK TIOA BURST WAVSEL Register A Register B Register C Compare RA = Compare RB = Compare RC = ASWTRG 1 16-bit Counter CLK RESET SWTRG OVF BCPC SYNC Trig MTIOB EEVT BEEVT to all flip-flops Timer/Counter 1 Channel INT TIOB 15 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) CPBS CPCS CPAS CLK_CH BSWTRG TC1_IMR TIOB COVFS Edge Detector ETRGS ENETRG TC1_SR EEVTEDG Output Controller BCPB WAVSEL WAVSEL = 00 When WAVSEL = 00, the value of TC1_CV is incremented from 0 to 0xFFFF. Once 0xFFFF has been reached, the value of TC1_CV is reset. Incrementation of TC1_CV starts again and the cycle continues. See Figure 9. A trigger such as an external event or a software trigger can reset the value of TC1_CV. It is important to note that the trigger may occur at any time. See Figure 10. RC Compare cannot be programmed to generate a trigger in this configuration. At the same time, RC Compare can stop the counter clock (CPCSTOP = 1 in TC1_CMR) and/or disable the counter clock (CPCDIS = 1 in TC1_CMR). Figure 9. WAVSEL = 00 Without Trigger Counter Value Counter cleared by compare match with 0xFFFF 0xFFFF RC RB RA Time Waveform Examples TIOB TIOA Figure 10. WAVSEL = 00 With Trigger Counter Value Counter cleared by compare match with 0xFFFF 0xFFFF RC Counter cleared by trigger RB RA Waveform Examples Time TIOB TIOA 16 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) WAVSEL = 10 When WAVSEL = 10, the value of TC1_CV is incremented from 0 to the value of RC, then automatically reset on an RC Compare. Once the value of TC1_CV has been reset, it is then incremented and so on. See Figure 11. It is important to note that at any time TC1_CV can be reset by an external event or a software trigger if both are programmed correctly. See Figure 12. In addition, RC Compare can stop the counter clock (CPCSTOP = 1 in TC1_CMR) and/or disable the counter clock (CPCDIS = 1 in TC1_CMR). Figure 11. WAVSEL = 10 Without Trigger Counter Value 0xFFFF Counter cleared by compare match with RC RC RB RA Waveform Examples Time TIOB TIOA Figure 12. WAVSEL = 10 With Trigger Counter Value 0xFFFF Counter cleared by compare match with RC Counter cleared by trigger RC RB RA Waveform Examples Time TIOB TIOA 17 1753B-CASIC-02/02 WAVSEL = 01 When WAVSEL = 01, the value of TC1_CV is incremented from 0 to 0xFFFF. Once 0xFFFF is reached, the value of TC1_CV is decremented to 0, then re-incremented to 0xFFFF and so on. See Figure 13. A trigger such as an external event or a software trigger can modify TC1_CV at any time. If a trigger occurs while TC1_CV is incrementing, TC1_CV then decrements. If a trigger is received while TC1_CV is decrementing, TC1_CV then increments. See Figure 14. RC Compare cannot be programmed to generate a trigger in this configuration. At the same time, RC Compare can stop the counter clock (CPCSTOP = 1) and/or disable the counter clock (CPCDIS = 1). Figure 13. WAVSEL= 01 Without Trigger Counter Value Counter decremented by compare match with 0xFFFF 0xFFFF RC RB RA Time Waveform Examples TIOB TIOA Figure 14. WAVSEL = 01 With Trigger Counter Value Counter decremented by compare match with 0xFFFF 0xFFFF Counter decremented by trigger RC RB Counter incremented by trigger RA Waveform Examples Time TIOB TIOA 18 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) WAVSEL = 11 When WAVSEL = 11, the value of TC1_CV is incremented from 0 to RC. Once RC is reached, the value of TC1_CV is decremented to 0, then re-incremented to RC and so on. See Figure 15. A trigger such as an external event or a software trigger can modify TC1_CV at any time. If a trigger occurs while TC1_CV is incrementing, TC1_CV then decrements. If a trigger is received while TC1_CV is decrementing, TC1_CV then increments. See Figure 16. RC Compare can stop the counter clock (CPCSTOP = 1) and/or disable the counter clock (CPCDIS = 1). Figure 15. WAVSEL = 11 Without Trigger Counter Value 0xFFFF Counter decremented by compare match with RC RC RB RA Time Waveform Examples TIOB TIOA Figure 16. WAVSEL = 11 With Trigger Counter Value 0xFFFF Counter decremented by compare match with RC RC RB Counter decremented by trigger Counter incremented by trigger RA Waveform Examples Time TIOB TIOA 19 1753B-CASIC-02/02 External Event/Trigger Conditions An external event can be programmed to be detected on one of the clock sources (XC0, XC1, XC2) or TIOB. The external event selected can then be used as a trigger. The parameter EEVT in TC1_CMR selects the external trigger. The parameter EEVTEDG defines the trigger edge for each of the possible external triggers (rising, falling or both). If EEVTEDG is cleared (none), no external event is defined. If TIOB is defined as an external event signal (EEVT = 0), TIOB is no longer used as output and the TC1 channel can only generate a waveform on TIOA. When an external event is defined, it can be used as a trigger by setting bit ENETRG in TC1_CMR. As in Capture Mode, the SYNC signal and the software trigger are also available as triggers. RC Compare can also be used as a trigger depending on the parameter WAVSEL. Output Controller The output controller defines the output level changes on TIOA and TIOB following an event. TIOB control is used only if TIOB is defined as output (not as an external event). The following events control TIOA and TIOB: software trigger, external event and RC compare. RA compare controls TIOA and RB compare controls TIOB. Each of these events can be programmed to set, clear or toggle the output as defined in the corresponding parameter in TC1_CMR. The tables below show which parameter in TC1_CMR is used to define the effect of each event. Parameter TIOA Event ASWTRG Software trigger AEEVT External event ACPC RC compare ACPA RA compare Parameter TIOB Event BSWTRG Software trigger BEEVT External event BCPC RC compare BCPB RB compare If two or more events occur at the same time, the priority level is defined as follows: 1. Software trigger 2. External event 3. RC compare 4. RA or RB compare Status The following bits in the Status Register TC1_SR are significant in Waveform Mode: * CPAS: RA Compare Status There has been a RA Compare match at least once since the last read of the status * CPBS: RB Compare Status There has been a RB Compare match at least once since the last read of the status 20 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) * CPCS: RC Compare Status There has been a RC Compare match at least once since the last read of the status * COVFS: Counter Overflow Counter has attempted to count past $FFFF since the last read of the status * ETRGS: External Trigger External trigger has been detected since the last read of the status 21 1753B-CASIC-02/02 TC1 User Interface Table 2. Timer/Counter 1 Global Memory Map Offset Channel/Register Name Access Reset State 0x00 TC1 Channel 0 See Table 3 0x40 TC1 Channel 1 See Table 3 0x80 TC1 Channel 2 See Table 3 0xC0 TC1 Block Control Register TC1_BCR Write-only - 0xC4 TC1 Block Mode Register TC1_BMR Read/write 0 TC1_BCR (Block Control Register) and TC1_BMR (Block Mode Register) control the whole TC1 block. TC1 channels are controlled by the registers listed in Table 3. The offset of each of the channel registers in Table 3 is in relation to the offset of the corresponding channel as mentioned in Table 2. Table 3. Timer/Counter 1 Channel Memory Map Offset Name Access Reset State 0x00 Channel Control Register TC1_CCR Write-only - 0x04 Channel Mode Register TC1_CMR Read/write 0 0x08 Reserved - 0x0C Reserved - 0x10 Counter Value 0x14 Register A TC1_CV TC1_RA Read 0 Read/write (1) 0 Read/write (1) 0 0x18 Register B TC1_RB 0x1C Register C TC1_RC Read/write 0 0x20 Status Register TC1_SR Read-only - 0x24 Interrupt Enable Register TC1_IER Write-only - 0x28 Interrupt Disable Register TC1_IDR Write-only - 0x2C Interrupt Mask Register TC1_IMR Read-only 0 Notes: 22 Register 1. Read only if WAVE = 0 2. If the user selects an address which is not defined in the above tables, the value of P_D_OUT[31:0] is 0x00000000. Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) TC1 Block Control Register Register Name: TC1_BCR Access Type: Write-only 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - - - - - - - - 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 - - - - - - - - 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - - SYNC * SYNC: Synchro Command 0 = No effect. 1 = Asserts the SYNC signal which generates a software trigger simultaneously for each of the channels. TC1 Block Mode Register Register Name: TC1_BMR Access Type: Read/write 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - - - - - - - - 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 - - - - - - - - 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - - TC2XC2S TC1XC1S 0 TC0XC0S * TC0XC0S: External Clock Signal 0 Selection TC0XC0S Signal Connected to XC0 0 0 TCLK0 0 1 none 1 0 TIOA1 1 1 TIOA2 * TC1XC1S: External Clock Signal 1 Selection TC1XC1S Signal Connected to XC1 0 0 TCLK1 0 1 none 1 0 TIOA0 1 1 TIOA2 23 1753B-CASIC-02/02 * TC2XC2S: External Clock Signal 2 Selection TC2XC2S Signal Connected to XC2 0 0 TCLK2 0 1 none 1 0 TIOA0 1 1 TIOA1 TC1 Channel Control Register Register Name: TC1_CCR Access Type: Write-only 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - - - - - - - - 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 - - - - - - - - 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - SWTRG CLKDIS CLKEN * CLKEN: Counter Clock Enable Command 0 = No effect. 1 = Enables the clock if CLKDIS is not 1. * CLKDIS: Counter Clock Disable Command 0 = No effect. 1 = Disables the clock. * SWTRG: Software Trigger Command 0 = No effect. 1 = A software trigger is performed: the counter is reset and clock is started. 24 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) TC1 Channel Mode Register: Capture Mode Register Name: TC1_CMR Access Type: Read/write 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 - - - - 15 14 13 12 11 10 WAVE = 0 CPCTRG - - - ABETRG 7 6 5 3 2 LDBDIS LDBSTOP 4 BURST 16 LDRB CLKI LDRA 9 8 ETRGEDG 1 0 TCCLKS * TCCLKS: Clock Selection TCCLKS Clock Selected 0 0 0 TIMER_DIV1_CLOCK 0 0 1 TIMER_DIV2_CLOCK 0 1 0 TIMER_DIV3_CLOCK 0 1 1 TIMER_DIV4_CLOCK 1 0 0 TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK 1 0 1 XC0 1 1 0 XC1 1 1 1 XC2 * CLKI: Clock Invert 0 = Counter is incremented on rising edge of the clock. 1 = Counter is incremented on falling edge of the clock. * BURST: Burst Signal Selection BURST 0 0 The clock is not gated by an external signal. 0 1 XC0 is ANDed with the selected clock. 1 0 XC1 is ANDed with the selected clock. 1 1 XC2 is ANDed with the selected clock. * LDBSTOP: Counter Clock Stopped with RB Loading 0 = Counter clock is not stopped when RB loading occurs. 1 = Counter clock is stopped when RB loading occurs. * LDBDIS: Counter Clock Disable with RB Loading 0 = Counter clock is not disabled when RB loading occurs. 1 = Counter clock is disabled when RB loading occurs. 25 1753B-CASIC-02/02 * ETRGEDG: External Trigger Edge Selection ETRGEDG Edge 0 0 none 0 1 rising edge 1 0 falling edge 1 1 each edge * ABETRG: TIOA or TIOB External Trigger Selection 0 = TIOB is used as an external trigger. 1 = TIOA is used as an external trigger. * CPCTRG: RC Compare Trigger Enable 0 = RC Compare has no effect on the counter and its clock. 1 = RC Compare resets the counter and starts the counter clock. * WAVE 0 = Capture Mode is enabled. 1 = Capture Mode is disabled (Waveform Mode is enabled). * LDRA: RA Loading Selection LDRA Edge 0 0 none 0 1 rising edge of TIOA 1 0 falling edge of TIOA 1 1 each edge of TIOA * LDRB: RB Loading Selection LDRB 26 Edge 0 0 none 0 1 rising edge of TIOA 1 0 falling edge of TIOA 1 1 each edge of TIOA Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) TC1 Channel Mode Register: Waveform Mode Register Name: TC1_CMR Access Type: Read/write 31 30 29 28 BSWTRG 23 22 21 19 AEEVT 14 WAVE = 1 13 7 6 CPCDIS CPCSTOP 24 BCPB 18 11 ENETRG 5 25 17 16 ACPC 12 WAVSEL 26 BCPC 20 ASWTRG 15 27 BEEVT 4 BURST ACPA 10 9 EEVT 3 CLKI 8 EEVTEDG 2 1 0 TCCLKS * TCCLKS: Clock Selection TCCLKS Clock Selected 0 0 0 TIMER_DIV1_CLOCK 0 0 1 TIMER_DIV2_CLOCK 0 1 0 TIMER_DIV3_CLOCK 0 1 1 TIMER_DIV4_CLOCK 1 0 0 TIMER_DIV5_CLOCK 1 0 1 XC0 1 1 0 XC1 1 1 1 XC2 * CLKI: Clock Invert 0 = Counter is incremented on rising edge of the clock. 1 = Counter is incremented on falling edge of the clock. * BURST: Burst Signal Selection BURST 0 0 The clock is not gated by an external signal. 0 1 XC0 is ANDed with the selected clock. 1 0 XC1 is ANDed with the selected clock. 1 1 XC2 is ANDed with the selected clock. * CPCSTOP: Counter Clock Stopped with RC Compare 0 = Counter clock is not stopped when counter reaches RC. 1 = Counter clock is stopped when counter reaches RC. * CPCDIS: Counter Clock Disable with RC Compare 0 = Counter clock is not disabled when counter reaches RC. 1 = Counter clock is disabled when counter reaches RC. 27 1753B-CASIC-02/02 * EEVTEDG: External Event Edge Selection EEVTEDG Edge 0 0 none 0 1 rising edge 1 0 falling edge 1 1 each edge * EEVT: External Event Selection EEVT Note: Signal selected as external event TIOB Direction 0 0 TIOB input(1) 0 1 XC0 output 1 0 XC1 output 1 1 XC2 output 1. If TIOB is chosen as the external event signal, it is configured as an input and no longer generates waveforms. * ENETRG: External Event Trigger Enable 0 = The external event has no effect on the counter and its clock. In this case, the selected external event only controls the TIOA output. 1 = The external event resets the counter and starts the counter clock. * WAVSEL: Waveform Selection WAVSEL Effect 0 0 UP mode without automatic trigger on RC Compare 1 0 UP mode with automatic trigger on RC Compare 0 1 UPDOWN mode without automatic trigger on RC Compare 1 1 UPDOWN mode with automatic trigger on RC Compare * WAVE = 1 0 = Waveform Mode is disabled (Capture Mode is enabled). 1 = Waveform Mode is enabled. * ACPA: RA Compare Effect on TIOA ACPA Effect 0 0 none 0 1 set 1 0 clear 1 1 toggle * ACPC: RC Compare Effect on TIOA ACPC 28 Effect 0 0 none 0 1 set 1 0 clear 1 1 toggle Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) * AEEVT: External Event Effect on TIOA AEEVT Effect 0 0 none 0 1 set 1 0 clear 1 1 toggle * ASWTRG: Software Trigger Effect on TIOA ASWTRG Effect 0 0 none 0 1 set 1 0 clear 1 1 toggle * BCPB: RB Compare Effect on TIOB BCPB Effect 0 0 none 0 1 set 1 0 clear 1 1 toggle * BCPC: RC Compare Effect on TIOB BCPC Effect 0 0 none 0 1 set 1 0 clear 1 1 toggle * BEEVT: External Event Effect on TIOB BEEVT Effect 0 0 none 0 1 set 1 0 clear 1 1 toggle * BSWTRG: Software Trigger Effect on TIOB BSWTRG Effect 0 0 none 0 1 set 1 0 clear 1 1 toggle 29 1753B-CASIC-02/02 TC1 Counter Value Register Register Name: TC1_CV Access Type: Read-only 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - - - - - - - - 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 CV 7 6 5 4 CV * CV: Counter Value CV contains the counter value in real time. TC1 Register A Register Name: TC1_RA Access Type: Read-only if WAVE = 0, Read/write if WAVE = 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - - - - - - - - 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 RA 7 6 5 4 RA * RA: Register A RA contains the Register A value in real time. 30 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) TC1 Register B Register Name: TC1_RB Access Type: Read-only if WAVE = 0, Read/write if WAVE = 1 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - - - - - - - - 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 RB 7 6 5 4 RB * RB: Register B RB contains the Register B value in real time. TC1 Register C Register Name: TC1_RC Access Type: Read/write 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - - - - - - - - 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 3 2 1 0 RC 7 6 5 4 RC * RC: Register C RC contains the Register C value in real time. 31 1753B-CASIC-02/02 TC1 Status Register Register Name: TC1_SR Access Type: Read/write 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - - - - - MTIOB MTIOA CLKSTA 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 - - - - - - - - 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ETRGS LDRBS LDRAS CPCS CPBS CPAS LOVRS COVFS * COVFS: Counter Overflow Status 0 = No counter overflow has occurred since the last read of the Status Register. 1 = A counter overflow has occurred since the last read of the Status Register. * LOVRS: Load Overrun Status 0 = Load overrun has not occurred since the last read of the Status Register or WAVE = 1. 1 = RA or RB have been loaded at least twice without any read of the corresponding register since the last read of the Status Register, if WAVE = 0. * CPAS: RA Compare Status 0 = RA Compare has not occurred since the last read of the Status Register or WAVE = 0. 1 = RA Compare has occurred since the last read of the Status Register, if WAVE = 1. * CPBS: RB Compare Status 0 = RB Compare has not occurred since the last read of the Status Register or WAVE = 0. 1 = RB Compare has occurred since the last read of the Status Register, if WAVE = 1. * CPCS: RC Compare Status 0 = RC Compare has not occurred since the last read of the Status Register. 1 = RC Compare has occurred since the last read of the Status Register. * LDRAS: RA Loading Status 0 = RA Load has not occurred since the last read of the Status Register or WAVE = 1. 1 = RA Load has occurred since the last read of the Status Register, if WAVE = 0. * LDRBS: RB Loading Status 0 = RB Load has not occurred since the last read of the Status Register or WAVE = 1. 1 = RB Load has occurred since the last read of the Status Register, if WAVE = 0. * ETRGS: External Trigger Status 0 = External trigger has not occurred since the last read of the Status Register. 1 = External trigger has occurred since the last read of the Status Register. * CLKSTA: Clock Enabling Status 0 = Clock is disabled. 1 = Clock is enabled. 32 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) * MTIOA: TIOA Mirror 0 = TIOA is low. If WAVE = 0, this means that TIOA pin is low. If WAVE = 1, this means that TIOA is driven low. 1 = TIOA is high. If WAVE = 0, this means that TIOA pin is high. If WAVE = 1, this means that TIOA is driven high. * MTIOB: TIOB Mirror 0 = TIOB is low. If WAVE = 0, this means that TIOB pin is low. If WAVE = 1, this means that TIOB is driven low. 1 = TIOB is high. If WAVE = 0, this means that TIOB pin is high. If WAVE = 1, this means that TIOB is driven high. TC1 Interrupt Enable Register Register Name: TC1_IER Access Type: Write-only 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - - - - - - - - 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 - - - - - - - - 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ETRGS LDRBS LDRAS CPCS CPBS CPAS LOVRS COVFS * COVFS: Counter Overflow 0 = No effect. 1 = Enables the Counter Overflow Interrupt. * LOVRS: Load Overrun 0 = No effect. 1 = Enables the Load Overrun Interrupt. * CPAS: RA Compare 0 = No effect. 1 = Enables the RA Compare Interrupt. * CPBS: RB Compare 0 = No effect. 1 = Enables the RB Compare Interrupt. * CPCS: RC Compare 0 = No effect. 1 = Enables the RC Compare Interrupt. * LDRAS: RA Loading 0 = No effect. 1 = Enables the RA Load Interrupt. * LDRBS: RB Loading 0 = No effect. 1 = Enables the RB Load Interrupt. * ETRGS: External Trigger 0 = No effect. 1 = Enables the External Trigger Interrupt. 33 1753B-CASIC-02/02 TC1 Interrupt Disable Register Register Name: TC1_IDR Access Type: Write-only 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - - - - - - - - 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 - - - - - - - - 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ETRGS LDRBS LDRAS CPCS CPBS CPAS LOVRS COVFS * COVFS: Counter Overflow 0 = No effect. 1 = Disables the Counter Overflow Interrupt. * LOVRS: Load Overrun 0 = No effect. 1 = Disables the Load Overrun Interrupt (if WAVE = 0). * CPAS: RA Compare 0 = No effect. 1 = Disables the RA Compare Interrupt (if WAVE = 1). * CPBS: RB Compare 0 = No effect. 1 = Disables the RB Compare Interrupt (if WAVE = 1). * CPCS: RC Compare 0 = No effect. 1 = Disables the RC Compare Interrupt. * LDRAS: RA Loading 0 = No effect. 1 = Disables the RA Load Interrupt (if WAVE = 0). * LDRBS: RB Loading 0 = No effect. 1 = Disables the RB Load Interrupt (if WAVE = 0). * ETRGS: External Trigger 0 = No effect. 1 = Disables the External Trigger Interrupt. 34 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) TC1 Interrupt Mask Register Register Name: TC1_IMR Access Type: Read-only 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - - - - - - - - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - - - - - - - - 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 - - - - - - - - 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ETRGS LDRBS LDRAS CPCS CPBS CPAS LOVRS COVFS * COVFS: Counter Overflow 0 = The Counter Overflow Interrupt is disabled. 1 = The Counter Overflow Interrupt is enabled. * LOVRS: Load Overrun 0 = The Load Overrun Interrupt is disabled. 1 = The Load Overrun Interrupt is enabled. * CPAS: RA Compare 0 = The RA Compare Interrupt is disabled. 1 = The RA Compare Interrupt is enabled. * CPBS: RB Compare 0 = The RB Compare Interrupt is disabled. 1 = The RB Compare Interrupt is enabled. * CPCS: RC Compare 0 = The RC Compare Interrupt is disabled. 1 = The RC Compare Interrupt is enabled. * LDRAS: RA Loading 0 = The Load RA Interrupt is disabled. 1 = The Load RA Interrupt is enabled. * LDRBS: RB Loading 0 = The Load RB Interrupt is disabled. 1 = The Load RB Interrupt is enabled. * ETRGS: External Trigger 0 = The External Trigger Interrupt is disabled. 1 = The External Trigger Interrupt is enabled. 35 1753B-CASIC-02/02 Atmel Headquarters Atmel Operations Corporate Headquarters Memory 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 FAX 1(408) 487-2600 Europe Atmel SarL Route des Arsenaux 41 Casa Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland TEL (41) 26-426-5555 FAX (41) 26-426-5500 Asia Atmel Asia, Ltd. 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The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. Atmel(R) is the registered trademark of Atmel Corporation. ARM (R) and ARMPowered(R) are registered trademarks of ARM Ltd.; ARM7TDMITM and AMBA TM are the trademarks of ARM Ltd. Other terms and product names in this document may be the trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 1753B-CASIC-02/02 0M